Allied Brands
Creative, Art Director.
Throughout the LGBTQ + Pride month, Skol donated the “L” of its brand to the LGBTQ cause. Yes, Skol's "L" turned into Lesbian's "L". And to "start" a movement, we invited other major brands to donate "G", "B", "T", and "Q". They were: Burger King, Bis, Trident, and Quem disse Berenice. Later we opened the invitation for more brands to donate letters and join the #ALLIEDBRANDS. In all, 50 brands got in contact to join the movement, and out of 50, 11 closed the agreement, totalling 16 allied brands that, together, impacted more than 80 million people.
In addition to an innovative campaign, in which brands changed their most valuable asset - the logo itself - we managed to get large advertisers to use the same visual identity for 1 month on the networks and to position themselves openly in favor of the LGBTQ cause.
In addition to an innovative campaign, in which brands changed their most valuable asset - the logo itself - we managed to get large advertisers to use the same visual identity for 1 month on the networks and to position themselves openly in favor of the LGBTQ cause.

F/Nazca S&S